Interesting News: USA Today has an interesting article arguing that Saudi Arabia was a prime contributor to terror organizations. [James Baker was recently appointed as a sort of Iraqi economic czar; Baker has connections to Saudi Arabia via his work with a lobbyist group.] The report that Al Gore will endorse Dean is big news, though it seems a bit premature to endorse this early. Lieberman (for those who forgot, he was Gore's running mate) now seems that much closer to being a goner, though. As for Kerry, see here for an early response.
An article on past suicides at the Marriott Marquis hotel was sure to include this detailed account: "In January, a Mississippi woman leaped to her death from the roof of the 49-story hotel. The 47-year-old woman struck an advertisement on the side of the hotel and landed on a Mr. Peanut billboard." Details like that really allow the reader to form a more accurate picture in their heads of the events reported.
Another important issue is the ongoing Snapple controversy in NYC over the choice of making it the official drink for city schools. As one city official noted, it was not just about money: "Snapple has a brand that can support, and in some instances enhance our image ... [A]n analysis of how people feel about Snapple ... show[ed] that Snapple and New York City share attributes like uniqueness and originality, but where New York is seen as unapproachable, Snapple is depicted as friendly." I also personally think Snapple drinks often have an "off" taste (especially diet ice tea) and darn if many also think that about New Yorkers. And, I sure do miss that Snapple lady! Maybe, she become a school matron?
Finally, in the NY sports front, the deal by the NY Mets for Kazuo Matsui seems promising, especially if one does not have too high hopes for an apparently good but not quite superstar caliber player.