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This blog is the work of an educated civilian, not of an expert in the fields discussed.

Friday, December 26, 2003

Post Holiday: A few quick observations reached over the holidays. First, I saw a clear case of culture clash, and the way it is quite hard for one to understand how another culture or set of beliefs is not just truly foreign to what is "normal." It is revealing, if not totally comfortable, to see something like this up close and personal. Furthermore, it shows in miniature what happens all the time out "there," but does not affect you as much because it is just one more thing that is. Finally, what is felt the most is how these things tend to be more personal, not deeply reasoned things, but a belief on how things just "are." This makes is quite hard to try to use reason or show how the other person is not really too much different from you in various ways.

Another thing is that it is interesting when you have some belief or reaction that you know is not really rational on some level, but you have it anyway, even though you fully admit that it is not rational. This is not really too surprising since most people have various things that affect them in some way that is not totally logical or anything, but is almost instinctual. The interesting thing is that many of us do not really contemplate the matter in question, so when we do or see someone else doing so, it is rather interesting. It also suggests a certain self awareness that I think is a very good thing. For instance, we all have various faults and imperfections. It is a fact of life. So, it's good to understand them, and admit to them. This allows things to go smoother and helps others understand when you misstep.

One last thing is that sometimes rules are legitimately broken. The rules are there for a reason, but if they are broken in cases of emergency or comparable situations, it is not always a horrible thing. Again, it is useful to be careful, admit that one fully understands what is being done, and understand if others are upset at it. In fact, they might be right in an individual case. All the same, there are few absolutes. And, hopefully, next time the person who bent the rules would keep that in mind if someone else is involved.

Hope you all had a nice holiday and/or are enjoying whatever holiday you might be now celebrating!