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This blog is the work of an educated civilian, not of an expert in the fields discussed.

Wednesday, January 21, 2004

"He shall from time to time give to the Congress Information on the State of the Union, and recommend to their Consideration such Measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient" [Art II., sec. 3]

I'm still kind of waiting for the President to supply the first half of this equation. I find the SOTU a tedious bit of political theater and find the current occupant's every utterance hard to bear, surely the political motivated pap he submitted to Congress on the "state of the union" this year. Here and here are two who blogged the thing in real time, each with comments from readers [I can have comments as well ... thinking about it, but the readership base seems to small now too so warrant. Still, see here.]. Another response noted the absence of much at all in way of environmental statements. USA Today suggested some things were um slightly misleading. And so it goes.

Many also agreed the Democratic response (from Rep. Pelosi and Sen. Daschle) left a lot to be desired. Others didn't think Kerry did a great job either. Again, I think this lackluster energy is why we need a force like Dean. Or maybe Edwards. I saw Dean on the tube yesterday giving a generally dry policy sort of speech (with the usual "Bush is bad" mantra), looking somewhat worn out, and it was decent imho. It's not why people flock to the guy per se, but the idea he's only for bashing people is silly. All the same, Edwards is in the catbird seat, Kerry on top ... at this moment.