One way to find out if the chicken or the egg came first.
Groundhog's Day: The groundhog saw it's shadow, so there will be six more weeks of political campaigning. I prelude tomorrow's first round of super primaries by hoping non-Kerry gets some traction tomorrow. I also suggest to Dean-o-phobes that Deanism has its benefits, so the level of disdain is a bit much, so much that it might come around and bite ya.
Cute pussycats: Various blogs show their feline side now and again. For instance, see here and here. Many blogs therefore are Michele Judy friendly. [Meow!]
Currently reading a book on Rehnquist Justice, amounting to profiles of the current bunch on the Supreme Court. Let's say a few good things about the conservatives, hmm? Justice Scalia sometimes reminds us how the text of the Constitution and statutes matter, though not if the Eleventh Amendment is involved. Justice O'Connor's minimalism is good (especially if you are a liberal!) when conservatives are in power and on general judicial restraint grounds as well. Justice Rehnquist is a good chief justice; even liberals like Brennan and Marshall thought so. Justice Kennedy wrote some fine opinions, including on gay rights and yes federalism (see, e.g., here and here). Justice Thomas has a libertarian streak that is nice, especially on some First Amendment issues.
Something Extra: A controversial appellate judge (Circuit Judge Stephen Reinhardt) is interviewed here. Pretty interesting. A nice human interest story is found here.