Sunday Opinions: I rail against the fact that no matter what some say, not everyone thought all that glittered was gold. See also here. Someone furthers my "these guys really aren't conservatives" line, explaining it really isn't conservative to nationalize subjects like gay marriage, gun lawsuits, and partial birth abortion. I'd add that one view of the Second Amendment in particular would argue states clearly have a right to regulate firearms, even if matters that affect interstate commerce generally can regulated by Congress. A conservative no less high than Clarence Thomas voiced support of the general point. Finally, Carolina should win tonight. Not saying they will ... just saying they should.
Ok, time to do my taxes.
[Factoid -- Gov't income (according to the federal tax manual) is broken down thusly: 43% personal income taxes; 35% SS, Medicare, unemployment and other retirement taxes; 8% borrowing to cover deficit; 7% corporate income taxes; and 7% excise, customs, estate, gift, and miscellaneous taxes. Outlays -- 38% retirement/disabled, 21% social programs [14% Medicaid and other needy, 7% research and health programs], 20% defense [17% military expenses, 2% veteran benefits, 1% foreign aid and embassy costs], 10% physical/human/community development, 8% interest on debt, and 3% for general government expenses (including law enforcement).]