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This blog is the work of an educated civilian, not of an expert in the fields discussed.

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

And also ...

Federal Budget Tidbit: A potential boon for Bush, $2 million is set aside in the latest federal budget bill for the government to try buying back the former presidential yacht Sequoia. The boat was sold three decades ago, and its current owners say the yacht is assessed at $9.8 million and are distressed by the provision. Furthermore, it is unclear (since such budget matters aren't generally like discussed or often even read by members of Congress) if the President wants the thing or what he will do with it.

Not quite as bad as the mysterious "hey it's not our doings" proposed provision giving members of Congress the right to look at our tax returns (Talking Points Memo has a running commentary, perhaps a bit too cynically), but surely up there on Sen. McCain's list of "reasons why drunken sailors love our federal budget process." Actually, it sounds like something one might do when drunk and free with one's money.

Various Bits: Could Blue States Secede?

Gadfly is an interesting blog with some very good discussions on it from a progressive/liberal p.o.v. One recent piece discussed how voters' low expectations and cynicism of politicians ironically helped someone who headed the system a majority felt was going in the wrong direction. I know such a voter, so fully believe in the concept. Of some solace, strong/outspoken progressives do appeal to many of these voters.

The Imperial Hubris author was on C-SPAN today, his name now widely known, and "Anonymous" will probably be off the next edition. I have the book and will probably comment on it when I get around reading it. The author criticized neo-cons, so it should be good. Lol.

Happy Birthday ... William Buckley Jr.

And, again, Happy Thanksgiving!