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This blog is the work of an educated civilian, not of an expert in the fields discussed.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Listen Up

Television: House was good again tonight, suggesting it is one of the few shows worth watching these days. Hugh Laurie might be recognized by fans as the doofus on Black Adder, but does a good job here, if laying the misanthrope doctor thing a bit thick. Good performances and story lines with an extended story arc with Sela Ward (can't go wrong there). Another good perf from a "special guest star" (also done lately on ER). Anyway, thinking wo/man t.v., with some verve. Enjoyed it.

Ms. Wilson, a former Air Force officer who is the only female veteran currently in Congress, has butted up against the administration previously over controversial policy issues, including Medicare and troop strength in Iraq. She said she realized that publicizing her concerns over the surveillance program could harm her relations with the administration. "The president has his duty to do, but I have mine too, and I feel strongly about that," she said.

-- Republican Who Oversees N.S.A. Calls for Wiretap Inquiry

Yeah, put up or shut up, but sad or not, vocal opposition of this sort is more than these sorts usually offer. For instance, after a member of Congress damned the Congressional Research Service for putting forth a report that actually called into question presidential authority (damn those non-partisan groups ... they tell us the facts, thus are clearly partial to the Democrats), Sen. "Heck, I tried to give you the power, but you didn't want it" DeWine challenged the point. To his "conservative" and "strict constructionist" eyes (such irony is usually left to Scalia critics) the law does not justify only the "Gang of Eight" be informed of the contours of a program that the administration is discussing (spinning) in public. Like, damn it man, I have an election race in Ohio ... Ohio!

The administration's position (other than "it's a dangerous world, trust us") was set forth by Vice President Vader:
Members of Congress "have the right and the responsibility to suggest whatever they want to suggest" about changing wiretap law, Mr. Cheney said. But "we have all the legal authority we need" already, he said, and a public debate over changes in the law could alert Al Qaeda to tactics used by American intelligence officials.

So, we are left to press reports, which give the administration plausible deniability, especially since they probably only give a partial explanation of the damn program. This is where Congress comes in, especially since even the most generous sorts (see, e.g., Volokh Conspiracy) honestly have to question the authority of the administration. But, darn, separation of powers is trouble when your own party is in power, and you are weak-willed babies. And, the upcoming elections makes criticizing members of your party sorta suggest maybe the people should vote the other people. So, you invite only the Torture Czar (true hearings would involve any number of people), and don't even swear him in.

But, then the wuss comment also sort of applies to the Democrats these days -- Sen. Reid was on the tube again yesterday crying about how a memo critical of the mean Republicans was sent out by accident. He would never by name criticize his fellow senator from Nevada. Is he really being a wuss, or is there some ulterior plan here? Well enough press remarks as to the former suggests it doesn't matter too much.

Anyway, who cares if the Congress isn't doing its job, the people aren't learning what the government is doing, and fears (probably rightly) their privacy is unconstitutionally being violated to a significant degree. Let's focus on the new budget, it is so much easier. Usual anti-progressive spending cuts, raising deficits, and tax cuts for the rich. The Dems can surely win on that, right?

Well, Sen. Feingold did a decent job questioning spin boy, and even Sen. DeWine actually asked some relevant questions. Not much, I know, but better than the usual suck up job Hatch etc. does in a sanctiminous voice. Clearly, they are taking full benefit of Lawrence v. Texas. Surely Sen. Roberts ("like Sen. Roberts said" was noted by TC a lot ... his suck-up memo having its desired effect) did.

Oh, one last thing. This attempt to spin it as some sort of international spying program or legitimate border search is amusing. It's pretty simple, okay? Millions of American citizens make international calls from their homes, and are not generally aware that this makes it okay for the government to listen in. Calling mom in Canada is an international call, right? Don't allow Dubya to listen in and you are letting the terrorists win. So, shut up, okay?

Hmm, smug boy is trying not to smirk again while the Democrats find a new way to call him and his administration as asshole. No, can't actually spell out any details ... will leave that to the press -- who is only right when they report official leaks. The whining brat next door is easier to take than these people. Oh well.