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This blog is the work of an educated civilian, not of an expert in the fields discussed.

Sunday, May 07, 2006


Legal: Dahlia Lithwick has a new column up on the ongoing lawsuits vs. lethal injection protocols. I find it a bit too dismissive; meanwhile, see also here and here.

CIA Mess: Lots of talk about the sudden resignation of the head of the CIA in the blogosphere. Looks pretty bad, doesn't it? If this was Great Britain, a change of government would have occurred by now. You know, for the safety of the public good alone. Again, you know, impeachment is for that too. Democratic Congress doesn't mean BushCo is gone. Clinton showed the limits of the opposition party controlling Congress. Yeah, I know, impeachment is academic. A warning all the same. Oh, who was in power in October 2002?

Movies: The latest "Brits deep down aren't quite as conformist as you think they are" / crowd pleaser flick is Kinky Boots. A somewhat nebbish sort of man decides to save his father's shoe business by specializing in the drag queen market [travestites wear women's clothing, drag queens can pull it off]. Putting aside some tedious plot driven moments, it is an overall pleasing sort of movie. Chiwetel Ejiofor, a British actor popping up in various roles (not to my knowledge The Crying Game sort of things before now) as a drag queen/designer steals the movie. Drag queens are interesting overall -- playing with genders and so forth.

My movie companion, a woman in all the usual ways, noted she simply could not pull off wearing heels. He does and a lot more while having charisma to spare. She also noted that everyone in the movie looked cutesy and ordinary (you know, other than the drag queen sort of thing). True too -- adds to the crowd pleaser flavor. Need more movies here (The Station Agent comes to mind) where the characters feel down to earth and ordinary on some core level.

Sometimes, we want larger than life figures, but sometimes down to earth works just find. Michelle Williams, who has a small roll in TSA, has a bit of both. [She hooked up with her "husband" in BM in real life.] It's like Paige in Degrassi ... the alpha chick ... clearly star presence, but doesn't look like a pin-up model either. I like that sort of thing -- over the top people of all sizes are a bit overwhelming.

Mets: Well, those were amazing wins ... root canal surgery would be less painful and stressful, but vs. the Braves, the fans will take 'em.