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Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Quickie Election Comments

And Also: The Class was again pretty good last night, suggesting a sort of Friends flavor (though on CBS) with a bit more of an edge. The cutesy title and twenty-something cast suggests the former, the somewhat darker plots, the latter. Again, Arizona was sad last night -- advice: score more than three points in Second Half. Don't repeatedly go to failed run plays; and, if you do, don't run directly into a fierce Bears defense. Sad.

Christopher Shays is a moderate (moderately reminding people that Kennedy was involved in a car accident ... you know, like Laura Bush) Republican from Connecticut who is in trouble since as Paul Krugman noted Monday in the NYT, this election is about the letter next to your name, about party control.* So, he has a campaign ad out (playing on the local sports station, for instance) about how independent he is. You'd think that he was running on Lieberman's ticket or something. Sorta funny. Maybe, his progressive voters will take the advice given to them in 2004.

C-SPAN has ongoing coverage of political debates in this electoral system, and I passed by one between the Pennsylvanian senatorial candidates. My rough impression of Bob Casey (D) is that he is a "moderate" sort that I will not like on various issues. It is a no brainer, of course, when you have Santorum going against him. All the same, I caught an annoying tidbit where Casey (perhaps best known for his pro-life views, mirroring his father) called terrorism the biggest threat these days. Honestly, and I'm from NYC, it is not really what I worry about the most.

It is an easy thing to say, but in most people's lives, quite a lot of other things are more important -- even on an life and death plane. For instance, health insurance. This is so even if President Bush wants to take the fear route. It clearly has its place, but perspective would be nice. See also, today's Doonesbury.


* Of course, push comes to shove, these "moderate" sorts tend to stay loyal to their conservative wingnut leadership. Such leadership, as well as faux moderates, make it clear that elections ("the people") remain as the important check when you cannot trust the judiciary to rein in governmental overreaching. In this country, all branches of government along with the people themselves are involved in the security of our liberties.