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Thursday, December 28, 2006

Edwards Announces

And Also: The critical remarks on Ford generally seem to focus on "the pardon." Did the nation as a whole truly disagree with his choice? Is a forced resignation really "getting off" or anything? Was his crimes not openly exposed in Congress and elsewhere? As Sandy Levinson noted, even Davis and Lee was not charged with a crime. And, even those who disagreed with the handling of the pardon, often seem to respect it was made sincerely. I don't think it alone erases my sentiment. I didn't say I'd vote for the guy, etc. Calls for a Nixon trial is consistent with those who want Bush impeached, though.

I believe it was Atrios who noted that now that the Democrats won control of Congress once more, the media will now focus on the '08 presidential elections. After all, they did wait two years, right? Meanwhile, Democrats have control of Congress, so actually have some ability to pass legislation. Of course, Bush has the veto pen, Lieberman Democrats hold the balance of power in the Senate, and so forth. But, again, immediately, the 2008 Elections are not exactly the most important thing on the political radar. The real importance is ensuring that something is done to give the winner of that election (you know, a Democrat, knock on wood) a chance of not starting from the bottom once more. To supply some potential base to launch off.

Of course, we cannot totally ignore the presidential races. The latest announcement was John Edwards, someone Ezra Klein suggested does a better job convincing to volunteer for his movement than voting for him. OTOH, many (including myself) respect the man (and his wife). This is so even though many (again, including myself) wonder if he really is presidential material. Does he truly have the experience and well-rounded knowledge/ability to fulfill all aspects of the job? No cheating by pointing to someone who does not (Bush). Still, the email announcing his (no surprise) decision to run does appeal. It points to some messages that I want my candidate to promote:
This campaign is about each of us taking responsibility for our country's future -- and ensuring America’s greatness in the 21st century.

It is a campaign not just about what we can do in the White House -- but what we can do on the way.

We all must take responsibility and take action now to:

  • Provide moral leadership in the world
  • Strengthen our middle class and end poverty
  • Guarantee universal health care for every American
  • Lead the fight against global warming
  • Get America and other countries off our addiction to oil

    If we want to live in a moral and just America tomorrow, we cannot wait until the next President is elected to begin to take action.

    Tomorrow begins today. Join us.

  • Yes, and the Internet announcement was sent out yesterday, though the plan was to announce today. Thus, his motto is immediately put into action.