At a breakfast meeting with progressive journalists, Rep. Pelosi explained how her leadership role explains why she took "impeachment off the table." Apparently, upholding her "oath" means enabling it breach by the executive, making her an accessory. This is what happens when you take even the fear of something that is a constitutional check away, even as something to be out there, hanging over things during the investigations. She even said no to impeachment of Gonzo!
You become part of the problem there, Nancy. Compare her stance with the move supported by former prosecutor and blue dog types in the House calling for an impeachment investigation for Gonzo. The country supports such an investigation. They lean toward even for the President, surely probably a majority is at least willing to be sympathetic to the whole thing. But, she says it is "divisive" to talk about such things. Hey, Nancy? Why isn't is "divisive" to investigate, to the degree the Attorney General looks like a pathetic loser?
The country is divided now ... actually less than in the past, given the low opinion ratings of the President. Current investigations underline just what is at stake, just what impeachable things the President has done. The situation also includes the occupation, which is "divisive," as will be any move that is made there. I guess, she rather "divide" her party, including those who naturally thought she was on their side. You know, the progressives who demand some real action that they know is both right and supported in some fashion by a majority.
Not that the possibility a majority might not agree is supposed to stop us from fighting for what is right. What other "divisive" things should we toss by the wayside? Abortion rights? Rights for homosexuals? Doing something to really control the President and alter the status of the occupation? Oh wait ... did that already. But, hey, the Democratic Congress did do things, like raise the minimum wage (connected to funding the "surge" btw) and perhaps pass 9/11 Commission Report measures.
Yes, we are supposed to be ecstatic that gaining control of Congress means something. They actually did something! Wow! Thus, we can have total b.s. like this, providing Republican talking points, out of the mouth of the Democratic Majority Leader:
Democratic Party leaders do not have the votes to pass an impeachment resolution. And Democrats could be judged harshly for partisan gridlock, just as the American people turned on Congressional Republicans in the 90s for pursuing the impeachment of President Clinton.
Targeting Bush now is like targeting Clinton. Same thing. You put it out there, even in embryonic form, and the path to equivalency is quick. It always is being spread around by Democrats on message boards -- impeachment/Clinton. Impeachment is meaningless. It went the way of titles of nobility as an active constitutional provision when corruption of the Department of Justice, lying us into war, torture, etc. is basically said in the same breath as cover-ups of sexual affairs. Oh, btw, lying to Congress -- even without an oath -- is illegal. Just to let people know.
Fighting for progressive things, which won't pass that much given the make-up of the Senate, the veto pen, and even the relatively close status of the House, is nice and all. But, not only can you walk and chew gum at the same time, but there are essential things to deal with as well: the occupation and the basic corruption of the executive department. It will be "divisive" to deal with them, but it is "divisive" to do a lot of things that have to be done.
Get a spine, Nancy. I fear you will pave the way for the expected Democratic Nominee, who will be targeted by the likely subjects ... allowing s/he to say some nice things, but push comes to shove, will compromise since "the people aren't ready for it" or we can't be "divisive" any more. Settling. Call me Oliver Twist, but damn it, I want more!
Must the party regulars be those who growl at those with the cup out, wanting more than one portion of gruel? The fact it is more tasty is pleasant enough, but hey its the 21st Century. The ultimate theme is the same.