Various thoughts on current events with an emphasis on politics, legal issues, books, movies and whatever is on my mind. Emails can be sent to; please put "blog comments" in the subject line.
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- Joe
- This blog is the work of an educated civilian, not of an expert in the fields discussed.
Friday, May 09, 2008
Quickies -- Enablers etc.
Why is it "surprising" that McCain is promoting a lazy Republican talking point on "activist" judges? The enabler of a lawless administration (h/t Glenn Greenwald) shows time and again his cynicism. Ditto his pal Hillary, who even has her apologists shaking their heads sadly, given the depths her desperation has taken her. Enabling wrong is bad too, including by being "surprised" at what is far from surprising. Meanwhile, DWI, eh ... an affair? Well, time to get rid of the guy.