Reduce costs and increase access to health coverage for the many families and small businesses who are struggling to afford care; Eliminate excessive co-pays and deductibles for preventive care for seniors, including the gap in prescription drug cover ("Donut Hole") in Medicare Part D; Make sure that no one is ever again denied coverage because of a pre-existing condition; Help contain costs for families - including for those who already have insurance - by creating competition and expanding choices within the insurance market; Reimburse doctors and health providers for high-quality care rather than by the volume of tests and visits - decreasing wait times for procedures, speeding up recovery for patients and eliminating billions of dollars of fraud and waste in our health system; Empower patients and doctors to devise the best treatment plans by providing them with the best, most up-to-date medical information; Put patients and doctors, not insurance bureaucrats, in charge of medical decisions; and Keep medical benefits exactly the same for anyone who likes their current health care coverage.
And, we will accomplish all of this without adding to the deficit - instead we will cut the national debt by over $30 billion dollars. A summary.