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This blog is the work of an educated civilian, not of an expert in the fields discussed.

Saturday, October 05, 2019

Execution Watch: Delays and Natural Deaths

As of now, my usual source to determine upcoming executions list nine that were scheduled in October, but as of now only two will have occurred (basically at the beginning and end of the month) on All Saints Day.  Two died of natural causes (the Ohio execution date was likely theoretical, there being a moratorium because of problems with the procedure).  One was re-sentenced to life in prison.  One (in Ohio) received a reprieve until October, 2021.

So, that leaves three.  Stephen Barbee was scheduled to be executed the second, but was stayed because he might fall within the protections of a Supreme Court ruling regarding lawyers granting guilt without permission.  He was convicted of murdering his pregnant girlfriend and her child to prevent her from telling his wife that he probably impregnated him.  If he wins on that count, it might just be delaying the inevitable with that child.

Twitter flagged a petition/stay application from Jewish death row prisoner Randy Halprin, scheduled for execution next week. Says "judge who presided over his capital trial in 2003 called him a 'goddamn kike' and 'fuckin’ Jew,' and called his Latino co-defendants 'wetbacks.'"  Halprin was due to be executed the 10th and the lower court did stay the execution.  As with the others, I won't provide a full account if it does not occur.

Randall Mays was scheduled for the 16th and the warrant was withdrawn so the judge could study competency claims. His attorneys says that he "suffers from delusions and thinks Texas wants to execute him over a renewable energy design he believes he created."  That being two weeks away, perhaps we will hear that the execution will occur. Or, maybe just one on the 30th.

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