The governor still faces legal threats. Federal investigators are looking at the handling of nursing home data. The state attorney general is looking at state resources used on his pandemic memoir. And local DAs are considering sex harassment charges.
Gov. Cuomo announced his resignation yesterday after a private attorney paid by the New York taxpayers badmouthed the AG report against him. Then, he had an infomerical about his accomplishments and how he's resigning for the good of the state. He still didn't really admit doing anything wrong from what I can tell. Whatever. I'm ready for a non-asshole. NY had LOTS in state-wide office. Basically, a lot of dubious white guys.
I'm ready for Governor Kathy Hochul, who probably will appoint a lieutenant governor, so we won't have a (as acting) black woman in that role unless she appoints one (perhaps from downstate, since she is upstate girl). We probably should still have an impeachment too, to fully investigte Cuomo officially, and have him liable to be blocked from future state office.
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