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Thursday, July 11, 2024

Biden Gives Press Conference

President Biden continued his excellent presidency by honoring the 75th anniversary of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). 

Taking a break from its drumbeat against Biden, the NYT had an op-ed on how Trump is unfit to lead. His opposition to NATO and support of Russia factors in here. The op-ed, again after weeks of selectively attacking Biden even though Trump has shown his mental and physical unfitness, covers a lot more ground. The right choice is akin to those ads where Derek Jeter is on the bench to pinch-hit for a neighborhood baseball game.  

It is appalling we are at the point where polling has Biden losing in key states with this opposition. (How two points, within the margin of error, is "it's done" is unclear to me.)  It isn't as much as Biden as everyone else to blame. Harping on his inability helps how? The story is more Biden -- has been for weeks now -- than Trump, the Supreme Court, and more. 

This has a ring of familiarity. 2016 media coverage harped on Clinton's emails. We were told both candidates were disliked. The election was a choice between two evils. Clinton was brought down to Trump's level. We know who Trump is now even more. It is outrageous we are doing this again. The self-fulfilling prophecy, surely to be later given more "I told you soes," being set up has certain villains. One not really being Biden. 

Biden's skills also underline the value of staying the course. Are we supposed to ignore the growing pains of the inexperienced, even to some extent Vice President Kamala Harris in these matters?  

His abilities were again shown in a press conference last night. Some were still unsatisfied. Rick Hasen before the press conference alleged President Biden had "scant activity" to prove himself after the debate. Biden had multiple public appearances, meeting with governors and other insiders, and a speech at NATO. How much more does he have to do?

Multiple media accounts also latch on to his gaffes (like at first confusing Zelensky and Putin's names, like a mom might confuse two children's names). Biden has been a gaffe machine for his whole career. But, now people will latch on to moments, skipping over him talking to the press for an hour or so with intelligent answers about current events.  

I am just plain equally angry and depressed (more angry) by these developments. A problem is that we still have ways to wait until the Democratic Convention, which would settle the nominee. So, this slow water torture will continue, including biased [his wife's position on Israel] celebrities like George Clooney decide to join the circular firing squad. 

To be clear, many are coming out in support, including the Congressional Black Caucus, Congressional Latino Caucus, governors like Gretchen Whitmer -- put out as an option -- and others. AOC is one strong supporter. 

Commentary, however, says how so few people are coming out on their side. The flawed commentary from typically anti-Trump voices is appalling. Lawyers, Guns, and Money blogger regulars, minus the one woman, continue the drumbeat. A recent blog talked about marginal Democrats (in stronger Republican areas) being wary of Biden. Why wouldn't they be less likely to support Biden? He's less popular there! 

If the people will not support Biden even with all he accomplished -- a sentiment helped by accounts that do not remind people what he did, instead talk about "Democrats in Disarray" -- replacing him with a person who either has to sell the same thing (Harris) or start anew is a questionable way to save us.  

I truly doubt the problem is him personally. It always was going to be close. 2020 was helped by COVID and the specter of someone in office already. And, in the swing states, it still was close. The enemy appears to be us. If we have to "be honest with ourselves," maybe the "Biden has to go" crowd has to look further than one person. If the public still wants Trump over Biden in November, voters have agency. They are lost souls. 

Again, however, polling puts the difference at one or two percentage points with Robert Kennedy Jr. still getting a big chunk (one poll I saw said 10%, which seems too high to hold). Polls in 2016 led people to believe Trump would lose, even if knowing the result might have helped people to see hints. The fatalism to me is just too premature.  

Meanwhile, because of the asinine Supreme Court immunity case, the sentencing of Trump in New York was pushed back until September. It was previously supposed to come before the Republican Convention.  

Biden/Harris is the ticket. Support the ticket. Stop badmouthing it. Focus on the problems of Trump and why we need to vote blue. 

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