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Tuesday, July 02, 2024

Freaky Friday

I recently learned that there was another version of Freaky Friday, a musical. I saw the Lohan version and might have seen the Jodie Foster version. I checked out some of this one and it has some charms. 

The mom (a lot of stage work) looks normal, sings well, and is a good actress. The songs overall are good. A supporting character is played by someone fans of Becker might recognize. 

The basic plot remains fascinating. What would happen if we switched bodies? How would we learn about the person whose body we switch into? What strange things would we experience?  

(A boy/girl switch would be weird. I suppose in some versions of the concept they would portray the person having sex in their new bodies.) 

BTW, it seems Colbert has a lot of vacation time. He works four-day weeks anyhow (sometimes filming double, so it really is three days), and now this is the second straight week of vacation. Nice job if you can get it.  

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