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Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Kamala Harris Has A Good Start

My strongest opposition to President Biden* dropping out was the artificial nature of the reasoning. 

Suddenly, after a single bad debate performance (which many did not see; it also was much less apparent in the transcript), he was suddenly a somewhat pathetic character who could not beat Trump. His inability to govern was exaggerated with even liberal voices promoting Republican talking points and bullshit. The whole thing was a tad disgusting. 

My concerns about the risk of dropping out was a somewhat weaker second but was part of the equation. I did have some concerns about Vice President Kamala Harris, including the possibility that she would not get the firm support of the "Biden has to go" caucus. 

Let's just say I wasn't totally wrong there, though she has received firm support from Democrats. She has already received pledges from enough delegates to obtain the nomination. Lots of money streamed in. Things are going well, including Republicans looking a bit scared. 

One commentary cited the strengths of Vice President Harris:

Smart, polished, capable, incorruptible, charismatic, experienced.

I was worried given the problems with the 2020 presidential campaign. I'm sure she will have some hiccups. But, it's no longer 2020 and she has the support of the party as a whole now. Plus, listening and watching her, Vice President Harris is impressive. I might just get my female president yet. 

Yes. Republicans (including -- chuckles -- James David Vance**) might take potshots at her as a "DEI" hire. She has been a prosecutor, attorney general, senator, and now vice president. The Republicans are also bringing the racism and sexism. 

She's ready and excited to challenge that. A strong talented African American woman might be Trump's biggest nightmare. 

Her first political event went well, including some touching love back and forth between Biden and Harris. With a look of glee, she at one point noted:

I was a courtroom prosecutor. In those roles, I took on perpetrators of all kinds. Predators who abused women. Fraudsters who ripped off consumers. Cheaters who broke the rules for their own gain. So hear me when I say I know Donald Trump's type.

Meanwhile, per the Salon link above:

In 2021, Trump's running mate, Sen. [James David] Vance of Ohio, denounced women for leaving abusive husbands. The same year, he also decried allowing rape victims to abort their pregnancies, claiming all pregnancies should be forced to term, "even though the circumstances of that child’s birth are somehow inconvenient."

Stephen Colbert referenced the joy brought by the Kamala Harris campaign. She brings energy, cheerfulness, and youth. Donald Trump is now, full stop, the old man. I understand the desire to move on from Biden. My concern, again, was how they went about it. But, it's done. I'm all in.

President Biden also -- he's good at this -- made sure to do it right. He let Donald Trump pick his "running up the score" vice president pick. 

The Republican convention is done now. It looks like there was an assurance that Biden's support of Harris (which certain media outlets are annoyed about; they wanted the drama of an open convention) was the standard. Democrats, including likely alternatives, unified around the ticket. 

It is also interesting the announcement was made on a Sunday. A weekend announcement helps the soft landing. Wolf Blitzer, joked Colbert, was talking about having lunch on his day off and suddenly the news came out. The whole thing seems rather smooth. 

Do not assume that was easy. That took a lot of work. I'm sure there are still some loose edges that need to be held together and addressed. 

They played out well. He is feeling better after his current bout of COVID. He will speak to the nation tomorrow night. If notable, will add some comments.

(ETA: It was a nice speech though he sounded somewhat tired at times when I was listening to it. Said it was time for a new, younger voice, and emphasized the value of democracy and his optimistic view of the possibilities of this country.) 

The next big step is choosing a veep. 


* President Biden is holding the office of the presidency. Once a person leaves office, it is common not to call them by that title. 

There is one "president." When Barack Obama or Bill Clinton are referenced in their private capacity, are they usually called "President Obama" or "President Clinton"? The question is rhetorical.

I never thought he earned the minimal self-respect to warrant the title even while in office. Now that he is not, "President Trump" is definitely not appropriate unless you want to advance his ego.  

** I find his use of "JD" pretentious and stupid sounding.

"JD" works for me if you are a baseball player, including a current and former member of the N.Y. Mets. Likewise, if you are a supporting character in the sitcom Designing Women. Not this jerk. 

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