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This blog is the work of an educated civilian, not of an expert in the fields discussed.

Saturday, September 04, 2010

Saturday Thoughts

VC Off The Rails: I check out Volokh Conspiracy to get a taste of another p.o.v. (as I have noted, I probably don't do enough of that though then I find someone who seems to be on my side to be off base, and figure I'm doing okay) and comments that answer it. It has various obsessions like "Obamacare" (next up: LBJ-Care; seriously, how lame -- the SENATE was the primary driver there) and now a Jane Mayer article on the Koch Brothers. Orin Kerr* joined in -- he couldn't get his head around the idea that the article suggesting they gave money in part for self-interest. Mark Field, Dilan Esper, et. al. answer them well.

Alicia Witt: I first watched her years back on Cybil and caught her on Craig recently via YouTube. Also, she plays a mom on my current obsession, Friday Night Lights (S4 is already in the library! but, I'll wait a few weeks to watch the first half). It turns out that besides being a good actress and well hot (she is a bit pale), Witt is also a singer (during one interview, she noted she played piano as a teenager). Good video. BTW, at times, she sort of reminded me of Chelsea Clinton. Or, maybe the other way around. Does she sing too?

Mets Still Stink Watch: Another wasted year and September playing out the string. Yesterday's game was depressing because you figure that when they actually hit (two homers!) and have Dickey on the mound AND play the Cubs, that they would win. Nope -- Dickey decides not to have it that day. In respect to a poll, and having been in both locales, I would pick Wrigley over Fenway. And, not only because they didn't accept out of state ids and Wetteland decided to blow a save (one of three that year) the day I went! Seriously, both were nice. Wrigley might have been a bit more open. Both smaller than a NY-er might be used to.

[And more. The rookie today seemed to have some potential and some good defense from the youngsters -- yes, it's Triple AAA time again -- but the absurdity continues. Two outs plus a strikeout means another out doesn't score ... oh wait! wild pitch scores that run! So, the team is left relying on Niese and hitting to ensure the team is not swept by the Cubs. Having been swept by the Diamondbacks before, this is quite possible.]

Keith Over The Top Watch: Keith Olbermann is somewhat of a tool at times, a caricature of a liberal commentator, though can have some worthwhile content (and his heart is generally in the right place). But, his latest Glenn Beck watch is a bit much. What is with the childish puns? And, yeah per Glenn Greenwald, he is something of a too easy target, but given his viewership and all, it's okay to keep an eye on him. Still, at some point it does get a bit lame.

That's How You Do It: The charming thing about the interview excerpted here (sound clip) is that the person, who had endorsed her in the past, actually challenged her answers. Hey interviewers and "journalists" out there -- it's possible! And, can the establishment Republican running against her actually be that rare bird -- a half-way reasonable Republican? I'll believe it when I see it. She is cute -- she even gave a "Palin wink" in an appearance I found on YouTube. Did she trademark that yet?

And, summer is winding down. Seems about time. I think even many children are ready at some point to move on. New t.v. shows will be starting soon, the football season is upon us, the new Supreme Court term is not too far away and the '10 political season (with all these upset primaries, it has been with us for some time now) will get into full gear. Oh, that's just too depressing. So, the rookie starts today for the Mets, huh?


* Kerr is something of a part-time tool and not only given he advises one (at least) on the Senate Judiciary Committee. He joined in the Koch Brothers defense, not getting his head around that they act in part out of self-interest. His serious cred helps, I guess, cover up those times when he is snarky (Kerr has a reputation as nice and all, but he can be very snarky, especially in comments) or promotes hard to take seriously stuff like that.