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Thursday, August 29, 2019

I Spit On Your Grave (Book)

One way to deal with more books per the Internet and all is to basically not read them. I skimmed over multiple books this week, including a little one on I Spit On Your Grave. There have been various books on horror movies, including from a feminist perspective over the years, as well as a blog named for the alternative title. The author of this generally interesting discussion seems not be familiar with her (saw no reference).

I have spoken over the years of my respect of the original and disappointment with the remake (the author of that blog at one point made clear to me that she wasn't a fan either; she basically ignored it). Did not see the two sequels (one a redo of sorts; the other brings back Jennifer for a twist) or the original unofficial sequel. There is now a ridiculously long (over two hours!) sequel by the original director that I guess I need to see eventually.

Anyway, I appreciate the effort. Meanwhile, have been watching Friends again, the Emily/Chandler and Monica hook up plot lines taking place. I'm definitely team Chandler/Monica, relating some to Chandler in general. There is a 25th anniversary coming around with some people bashing the show. A fairly unsurprising thing really though a bit silly.

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