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Wednesday, July 28, 2021

In the news ... Olympics and 1/6 Select Committee

Simon Biles: I don't watch the Olympics, but Simon Biles is so prime GOAT material (plus saw her in at least one ad) that I'm familiar with her. The big news this week is that she step aside mid-competition because of mental stress. Caring about mental well being is more acceptable these days. Good. Let's remember the human side of sports, including that humans are involved. Comes out in baseball in various ways.

1/6 Select Committee: While the #3 Republican in the House goes full "we are at war with [checks notes]," the commitee started with the two House Republicans willing to not be totally in the hock for Trump. Very emotional beginning with police officer testimony. Also, a reminder at the power of witnesses, even if "we know this, so why is this necessary?" Or, "this is all theater." Yeah, it's a bit more complicated.

Good beginning. This includes keeping two Republicans off the commitee who either might be a witness or started off from right after being picked showing his total disdain of things. Pelosi didn't use her veto power (power in place only because the independent commitee option was filibustered) to block all Republicans, even one who challenged the electors. Next steps, including who to subpoena and making sure to go big or go home, will be harder.

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