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This blog is the work of an educated civilian, not of an expert in the fields discussed.

Monday, June 24, 2024

Two Years After Dobbs

Jennifer Rubin had an op-ed arguing that Vice President Harris is doing a great job. Over the last few years, we have seen some criticism. 

A vice president has limited constitutional duties. Her role is largely to support the Biden Administration as part of the Cabinet. She has been given a variety of roles, including supporting reproductive rights.

Rubin references an event VP Harris was at with Chrissy Teigen, the model and spokesperson. Tiegen used IVF to have her children. She also had to have an abortion when she had complications during a natural pregnancy. 

At the time, she did not label it an "abortion" at all. Usage of language here is tricky. Some people whose pregnancies are "aborted" naturally do not use the term. A conservative woman from a large family got in trouble for allegedly not showing empathy and being hypocritical when she had a procedure to remove a fetus that was already no longer living. 

[The exact details were private, but people made assumptions.]

The interview was introduced by another woman who had to suffer various medical issues and have her ability to have children harmed because Texas has a high bar before you can have an abortion for medical reasons. 

Why? Because Dobbs v. Jackson allows it. My sentiment when that opinion was handed down -- and I'm just some guy -- was HOW DARE THEY. That was two years ago. My feelings are not that different.

Somewhat related, in 2020, I wanted a woman to be elected president. I felt that way in 2016 too. I still do. President Biden was the right person for the time. I still hope a woman is president. I will also take a woman being the mayor of New York City. Our current one is problematic.

I have heard some great things about Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. Yes, an added benefit there would be that she would be from Generation X. I have a personal bias in that department, to be honest, but it does seem time. President Obama was almost from that era. Then, we apparently decided to go backward twice. Will I be a senior citizen before it happens?

Anyway, VP Harris is correct that we have to join together and stay positive when responding to Dobbs. Justice Sotomayor's concern for marriage rights last week shows the possible big effects of overturning Roe and Casey. Many people find the results very troubling.

As the first presidential debate (pass*) comes up, many people have a pessimistic viewpoint. Some fear or assume Trump will win. Some wish to focus on the ugliness. It's okay to be concerned and remind and educate about the problems out there. Education is fundamental.

But, like Harris and others also note, many people are fighting back. They continue to provide people the health care they need. People push back against the wrongs and injustices. 

Many people make it harder. People suffer. That is wrong. And, yes, November is so very important. Both to gain as much control of the federal government as possible and multiple state races. We need to respond to that day that shall live infamy, June 24, 2022. 


* People kept on assuming Trump would find a means to find the whole thing "rigged" and skip the whole thing. I would prefer this. 

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