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Thursday, August 08, 2024

Cult of the Cobra

Last week's Svengoolie film was Cult of the Cobra, a fun 1950s affair with various familiar faces.  I did not see the film on television. I borrowed a DVD.

Some Air Force guys during WWII sneaked into a cult ceremony and one stupidly took a photo with a flash camera. A curse is placed on them. They go back home (after one dies) and the curse continues to be applied. But, complications arise when the snake woman falls in love with one of her prey.  

The head priest is played by Edward Platt aka "The Chief" on Get Smart. There are six guys, one played someone on Big Valley, another by the lead in The Fugitive. The film ultimately revolves around two of the six, who not surprisingly are the only survivors. 

The film is well-paced and the best performances are the two actresses. The snake woman is the best performance. The guys are sometimes a bit tiresome, including the academic type who suspects what is happening. The snake FX are a bit dubious.

The final reveal is somewhat rushed. The police quickly can do testing on the bodies when it should have taken longer. Also, it is unclear that at least one of the three killed in NYC was even bitten. Finally, why would she leave a person just lying on the floor in her apartment as she does? At least hide it in a closet!

The end of the film is somewhat unsatisfying too. Why did she go to the dressing room of the actress and transform into a cobra? She had no reason to harm her. I can see if she hid in a closet but she did so out in the open. And, she left herself open to be stopped. 

But, as a I whole, I enjoyed the film. 

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