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Thursday, August 22, 2024

Some More Democratic Convention Thoughts

It is nice to see The Chicks (they dropped "Dixie" around the time Gaslighter dropped in 2020 -- they also sang at that convention). 

Al Sharpton also introduced some members of the "Central Park Five," including the recently elected city councilman from New York. Trump paid for ads promoting sentencing to death. He never reneged, even though evidence later arose to prove they were guilty of the heinous sexual attack involved.

Former Defense Secretary Leon Panetta also spoke at the 2024 Democratic National Convention. He provided a good endorsement of Vice President Kamala Harris's foreign policy chops. Panetta also avoided any possible Hatch Act violations

Cheryl Rofer at that link also suggests why a Palestinian voice was not allowed a speaking slot to talk about Gaza. Not only were there concerns about "unity" but also Harris wanted to be the sole voice on such a foreign policy questions. 

She supported Israel's right to defend itself while recognizing the "heartbreaking" suffering in Gaza. And, the rights of the Palestinian people to self-govern:

President Biden and I are working to end this war, such that Israel is secure, the hostages are released, the suffering in Gaza ends, and the Palestinian people can realize their right to dignity, security, freedom, and self-determination.

Second, if one side was given a voice, the other would want a speaker as well (quoting Rofer):

If they were, a pro-Israeli group would have had to have been brought in as well, and anything either group said would muddle the waters for the negotiation.

I was sympathetic with AOC and others who supported allowing a Palestinian to speak. What would be the difficulty with one slot among many?

The article provides a balanced account, including the different ways the Democrats gave the Uncommitted side a voice: 

Ahead of the convention, campaign manager Julie Chavez Rodriguez and senior staffers of the Democratic National Committee met with members of the Uncommitted National Movement. The campaign gave uncommitted delegates extra passes for staff and friends to attend the convention and provided space to hold a news conference.

They provided Palestinians with space to hold a panel Monday, something that had not occurred in previous conventions. At the panel, Tanya Haj-Hassan, a pediatric surgeon who has worked in Gaza during the war, spoke of treating children who lost their families. Hala Hijazi, a Democratic Party organizer, said she has lost dozens of family members in Gaza, including two killed last week."

Nonetheless, not allowing a speaker was a sore point. I am not totally convinced that the choice was appropriate. However, on balance, the arguments made have validity.

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer had a good appearance, looking great, having a strong mid-western accent, and using some expressive touches:

There were some Republicans at the 2020 Democratic Convention, , including former governor and Bush43 Cabinet member Christine Todd Whitman. A former Staten Island congresswoman (I did a report on her once), Susan Molinari, also popped up. 

The Republicans continued to show up in 2024, including a recent lieutenant governor of Georgia. Stephanie Grisham, a Trump press secretary, and Olivia Troye, a Mike Pence official also spoke.

Since Kamala Harris has a more partisan Democratic feel, it is even more notable that we have such crossover. The Georgia politician is quite important since polling still has Trump was a small lead there, at least some recent polling before the convention.

The convention, which had a D.J. for the roll call, continued it fun moments. A couple of cute as a button Kamala Harris relatives helping to tell us how her name is pronounced included:

Of course, the finale -- after there was no "special guest" -- was Vice President Harris giving her speech. Yes, no court reform talk, but overall it was a good speech. And, it was expertly told. 

She introduced herself, provided basic policy proposals, and the threat of Trump:

In many ways, Donald Trump is an unserious man.(Laughter.) But the consequences — but the consequences of putting Donald Trump back in the White House are extremely serious. 

We should not only consider the "chaos and calamity" of his term. There was what happened after he lost the election. On top of that, think of his civil wrongs: 

And now, for an entirely different set of crimes, he was found guilty of fraud by a jury of everyday Americans — (applause) — and separately — and separately found liable for committing sexual abuse.

Then, we have to worry what he will do later -- including with the immunity provided by the Supreme Court -- with Project 2025, including the ability to ban medication abortion with or without further legislation:

Simply put, they are out of their minds.

I would say the same thing about people who want to vote for Donald Trump (who tried to get anyone who would have him on listen to him whine and ramble while Harris gave her speech) again. Let's vote for another way:

You know, our opponents in this race are out there every day denigrating America, talking about how terrible everything is.  Well, my mother had another lesson she used to teach: Never let anyone tell you who you are; you show them who you are.  (Applause.)

America, let us show each other and the world who we are and what we stand for: freedom, opportunity, compassion, dignity, fairness, and endless possibilities.

Early voting will begin in around a month. Democracy and simple sanity is on the ballot. Down the ballot. To paraphrase Michelle Obama, enough of this foolishness. We know the only sane path. Let's be sane enough in November!


Two addendums. 

First, a few people did not like Bill Clinton showing up. They argued he was a sexual predator. I am sympathetic to that viewpoint, especially when it comes from people who had direct experience. 

Second, a few people were not big fans of Republicans who showed up as allies. They surely did not want to give them any role in a Harris Administration. 

At some point, you have to know the value of welcoming support from people from the enemy camp. And, unlike choosing only Republicans as Defense Secretary or head of the FBI, it is just petty to refuse to throw them a bone. 

There is rightful concern the "big boy" roles are given to "Republican daddies." That is not the issue here. Is Secretary of Transportation (Buttigieg might move into bigger things) really a big deal? 

Meanwhile, Robert Kennedy Jr. suspended his campaign and endorsed Trump. Next level in grifting, shaming his family name just one level more. His attempts at "ratfucking" did run into a minor wall:

Kennedy took steps to withdraw his candidacy in at least two states late this week, Arizona and Pennsylvania, but in the battlegrounds of Michigan, Nevada and Wisconsin, election officials said it’s too late for him to take his name off the ballot even if he wants to do so.

And, overall, the value of such an unreliable "weird" endorsement remains to be seen. 

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