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This blog is the work of an educated civilian, not of an expert in the fields discussed.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Gaza Update

I still am wary about commenting about the Israel-Palestine conflict, especially among people who will answer with "the facts." I put it in quotes since they will often provide a slanted version. The whole situation is tragic. And, I do not support those who offer a one-sided view.

Juan Cole helpfully provides a more Palestinian-supportive view. This does not mean he supplies a 100% correct one. However, it is still helpful, especially since too often we have one that leans in the other direction.

Cole offers a commentary on the presidential debate. He is generally supportive of Harris. He does offer a critique, including a reminder that the struggle does not just go back to October 7. Why did we reach that point? Also, leaning to my view, Cole reminds us that a two-state solution in the current situation is a pipe dream:

There is no two-state solution to be had, and politicians should start being honest about it. Gaza is rubble and there are hundreds of thousands of Israeli squatters in the Palestinian West Bank. Where would you put a state?

Meanwhile, more particularly notable non-combatants have been killed. The Biden Administration put forth a statement that the death of American citizen Aysenur Eygi is "totally unacceptable." She was an activist for Palestinian rights. She was shot in the head.

Six workers for a U.N. group supporting Palestinian refugees were also killed.  A statement from the agency head:

UNRWA head Philippe Lazzarini condemned the “senseless killing, day after day” in Gaza in a social media statement, adding that 220 of the agency’s staff had been killed since Oct. 7. “The longer impunity prevails, the more international humanitarian law & the Geneva conventions will become irrelevant,” he wrote.

We are approaching the year anniversary of the October 7 attack and the Israeli response. The Hamas has much responsibility for the unbalanced and repeatedly unjust death toll. However, it does not take Israel and those who support it off the hook. War regularly taints both sides. 

Cole ultimately noted regarding Harris:

She is much better than Biden in at least expressing some empathy for the tens of thousands of innocent civilians Israel has killed in Gaza. But empathy, while better than nothing, won’t stop the killing, which is daily and directly enabled by US supply of weapons and ammunition (the Israelis ran out months ago).

The choice is clear, even if neither side will satisfy:

Trump has no policies, just insults, such as that Harris hates Israel and even hates Arabs because her hatred of Israel will get Arabs killed. I couldn’t follow the argument because of that arrant nonsense thing.

He is also in lockstep with the corrupt Israeli leadership. We need a new path. I say that with humility, but that is my position. President Harris might have some ability to move the needle somewhat though it is not likely to be far enough. 

Still, it's much better than the alternative. Anyway, Harris did what she had to do -- she had a very strong debate. Taylor Swift endorsed her too. 

Let's win a trifecta!