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Monday, September 09, 2024

Aimée & Jaguar

I re-watched Nowhere In Africa and now rewatched this. I talked about the film back in 2010.

I didn't remember that the film was in large part about the Jewish half of the couple as well as about their lives apart. I enjoyed it overall again. After all, I watched it straight through, still a test for me. 

If you check the Wikipedia page and the pages for the real-life leads, more information can be discovered. For instance, I noted that one book that told the story did not tell much about Lilly Wurst. Wikipedia provides more information. 

As is often the case, real life provides a lot of more interesting details. For instance, Lilly protects some women after Felice is captured. 

Also, as noted in my original discussion, they had a sort of marriage ceremony, with vows. Likewise, they were together for around eighteen months. The film made it seem like it was less. 


Meanwhile, after reading a historical fiction take on Maria von Trapp, I'm reading an autobiography by the oldest daughter. She discusses her life before and after Maria came on the scene. It was written late in her life. The writing is straightforward and easy reading. 

I also got out the father's memoir about his U-boat experiences during WWI, but the writing style did not catch my interest. At the time she released the autobiography, her father's book was not in print. Her niece translated the recent English version. 

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