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Wednesday, September 24, 2003

New Season (Part I): There promises to be some new life in television land this season ... so far, so good. There are many shows lingering on that I have grown tired of some time ago, including The Simpsons, NYPD Blue, ER, and (mostly) Friends. Perhaps, the last one still has something left. Anyway, season premieres of other shows suggest they too have life as well. The new season for me basically started on Tuesday with Gilmore Girls. It was basically a prologue to the major changes (Rory has not gone to Yale yet, Sookie is still pregnant, etc.), but it was still a good welcome back. Nothing too major, though there was some serious moments, but it was fun. Also fun was Less Than Perfect, and the addition of Will Grasso as a full time member of the cast is a good idea ... he was fun in his guest roles.

The major premiere was West Wing, which did not deserve "Best Drama" in last weekend's Emmys, given it's subpar year. As one might recall, the cliffhanger involved Zoey being kidnapped and the Republican Speaker of The House (played well by John Goodman, who has proved his serious acting chops in the past) became acting President when President Bartlett stepped down. It looks like this will be the start of a story arc, and again, the premiere only laid down some groundwork. And, as well, it was promising. The episode was well written and acted ... I was engrossed by the story and the possibilities. And, heck, the Mets actually won their second straight. Looks like Tuesday and Wednesday still has life in their old favorites.

There are various odds and ends still to look into, including the Coupling remake, but the next big day is Friday. I can say that Grounded For Life still looks worthy of my time (lol), though again, it isn't really "Must See TV" or anything. This, plus its time slot (Friday Night at 9 on the WB) makes it something to watch if I'm free. Still, low bar or not, it is one of the best shows on the WB.