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This blog is the work of an educated civilian, not of an expert in the fields discussed.

Tuesday, November 11, 2003

Gilmore Girls was excellent tonight. Sometimes I find the show annoying or the characterizations a bit too simplistic (last season had the lousy idea of making Paris' losing her virginity serve as a way to totally embarass her, while Rory shined as the innocent and supportive one), but the basic power of the writing and characters continue to make it eminently watchable. All the same, there seems to be a few episodes in which special effort was given to the screenplay, and the excellence of the writing particularly shines. Tonight was one such night, especially two extended dinner scenes where the wit, characters, and fast pace nature of the show's dialogue truly stood out. I could imagine it being in some witty play. It is one of those moments where television actually seems artistic, lol.

Rory also seems more mature these days, as portrayed by Alexis Bleidel (btw she is only a couple years older than the character, as compared to the actress who plays Paris). This adds to the show, I think, because it takes us in a new direction, making us see her in a new light. Since the mom/daughter relationship is so central to the show, I was wondering how they would handle having Rory away at Yale. The way to do this is to continue to have the two together a lot, which is reasonable since Yale is a fairly close driving distance to her home (as compared to Harvard). All the same, we get a few shades of college life as well. It's working rather well thus far.

The upcoming (Wed Night) "talkathon" or "anti-filibuster" sponsored (so to speak) by the Republicans in the Senate to show conservative activists that they care that Democrats are making a fuss about a few judicial appointments is pretty amusing in a way. It sounds like the making of good theater and something to watch late at night, given the dearth of good repeats and late night porn. It is a cynical power play of sorts all the same, of course, and I give my .02 over here. All the same, I find the average person does not care much about it, or is tired of the whole thing. And, I had trouble finding much about it (it starts tomorrow night after all) in the blog universe. Oh well, let's see how it goes.