Political News: I discuss the Wisconsin Presidential Debate here, supplying a bit of (I hope) constructive criticism of Sen. Kerry. As I noted to an online correspondent of mine, I would be comfortable voting for him in November, and think he has a lot to offer. I do, however, have problems with him, problems I do think he must face up to during the general election. Another analysis of the debate does a good job suggesting my take on the issue as well as pointing out reasons why people like myself support Dean and Edwards, even to such a degree our hearts are sometimes with them over Kerry.
In other political news, Canada is up in arms because (now this is a shocker) Conan O'Brien partakes in some bad taste. I tell them to grow up here, while also raising again the whole Super Bowl Half-Time thing, which has got out of hand. A good take of just how bad the current plans in France to selectively ban religious attire can be found here. An interesting reminder of what other nations' legal systems can teach us is found here, involving foreign court judgments upholding homosexual rights. And, why, oh why, must the strongest statements in support for equal rights of gays in the debate yesterday come from Rep. Kucinich and Reverend Sharpton? Sigh.
Books: Every weekend, C-SPAN has forty eight hours of coverage of (primarily) non-fiction books, as well as an hour on one book on Sunday Night (Booknotes). Good stuff. For instance, book events in honor of The Trouble with Islam: A Muslim's Call for Reform in Her Faith and Monkey Hunting (historical fiction, Cuban-American) last weekend made be quite interested in the reading the books. Sometimes, the talks are like a review, and provide a quick way to avoid reading ... but I don't know if that is quite their function!
Someone also told me about a book entitled Sailing the Wine Dark Sea: Why the Greeks Matter. Isn't that a wonderful title? I also borrowed The Bounty: The True Story of the Mutiny of the Bounty, which is a wonderful looking book, after watching a talk about it on Book TV. [Link provides you a chance to watch it on Real Audio.] One of these days I will actually read the thing!
President's Day: I was about to mail something, and then I realized what day it is. My problem is that Feb. 16 is an odd day for it given Washington's Birthday is next Sunday, and Lincoln's Birthday was on Feb. 12. If we go by the Julian Calendar (as they did when he was born), Washington would blow out the candles on Feb. 11. I understand the whole three day weekend thing, though I favor mid-week breaks, but Feb. 23 is a Monday too. Thus, my problem. It is Ice-T's birthday.