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Thursday, March 02, 2006

Reading Is Fundamental

And Also: Julie Hilden supplies some more trenchant remarks on the cartoon controversy. And, here's a good example of double standards as currently practiced by the Bush Administration ... and our government as a whole, to give blame where blame is due.

Russ: Sen. Russ Feingold is doing truly yeoman efforts to reign in the U.S. Patriot Act. Now, he is quoting children books on the government to underline the basic themes of separation of powers, on some level something an elementary civics book can explain fairly easily. Unfortunately, too many people in the government find it harder.

On the level, the ports deal, as touched upon here, is being handled better than one might think -- even if you think it's much ado about nothing. It serves as a check, dealing with our concerns (warranted or not -- but vetting helps a lot here; how about that fact that UAE boycotted Israel ...), and maybe even will encourage more port security overall. Or even more. Small matters, even politically tinged ones, do sometimes work that way. Anyway, is Feingold presidential timber? Well, I don't know, but he's doing good work.

Books: "Samantha," that is, Kim Cattrell, ran with her role in Sex and the City and went into the documentary business ... namely, examining her reason for being, sex. One companion book, Sexual Intelligence, was at the local library. Good coffee table book, I guess, with some nice pictures. Not too much ahem "meat", but a few interesting factoids on sexual science, historical practices, and so forth. As with Jennifer Aniston (though her career continued to shine afterwards, unlike half or perhaps two thirds, of the cast), Cattrell also is one of those stars who just plain got lucky. She was not exactly a major name before her big break, mostly in some minor films and such. Such is life though.

Well, since I brought it up ... Jennifer Aniston has shown herself to be a very good actor in both comedic and dramatic films, The Good Girl showing her chops in the latter. Lisa Kudow also has had some success, especially in the indie market, though the third Friend with some success (Chandler) has been less successful. Nonetheless, a couple guest spots on West Wing and a few amusing moves (including The Whole Nine Yards) suggests some possibility of success. The rest of the cast has been less successful, including the sitcom Joey (I have yet to seen this thing ... no great loss).

As to Sex and the City, Carrie has been on stage and screen, but special note should be supplied to Miranda. Her guest shots on House and ER were both excellent and she currently starring in a play. She has a promising future.

Baseball is back!