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This blog is the work of an educated civilian, not of an expert in the fields discussed.

Saturday, August 04, 2007


Thanks to the Mets, the Cubs -- for now -- are not in first place any more ... after coming back from 8 1/2 down in late June.

As to the FISA changes -- per a secret ruling that inhibited the Administration -- this comment fits as to guts: "It should be easily resolved. All Harry Reid needs to do is douse the Senate lights again, hold a séance, and summon Frank Church. He has the weekend." Balkinization has good continual coverage, including various tidbits that underlines my "choke" comment from last time. Why must we continually give more power and solace to this guy?*

Rachel Maddow -- who provided passionate coverage during the New Orleans flood while filling in for Al Franken --- provided more of the same after the Minnesota bridge collapse. She sees it as a basic failure of government, with particular partisan implications. And, she does have a good point ... we need to care more about infrastructure, which involves a lot of investment and continual oversight. It is not simply some act of God, nor is it limited to this one incident. This is ultimately a matter of governmental philosophy as well, one with a national reach.

And, the progressive strand of it in particular is passionate about this sort of thing. You know, along with limits on executive power, respect for privacy, and so forth. These things have partisan and political applications, but ultimately it boils down to sound governmental principles. Or, the absence thereof.


* What is the point of the Gonzo oversight hearings, cries of Bush violating FISA, etc., if -- to quote Marty Lederman over at B. -- "Dems largely capitulated to DNI McConnell's demands" ... what indeed?