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This blog is the work of an educated civilian, not of an expert in the fields discussed.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Syria Bombing

First, get Security Council approval. Second, get congressional approval. Third (or zero-th), determine if engagement is a good idea. Wary about that, actually.


JackD said...

Be interesting to see how the House of Commons vote again military action may influence the administration.

Joe said...

Yes, Libya had European cover. Going it alone here would look bad.

JackD said...

Andy Borowitz nailed it: Obama promises Syria strike will have no objective." He's already established himself as the country's worst chief executive negotiator. This seems closely allied.

Joe said...

Eh. My understanding is the "objective" here is to make use of chemical weapons a special wrong that will subject a sovereign to some special penalty. If the penalty is too weak to make the use of force worthwhile, fine, I'm wary of force overall. But, "no objective" is a bit too cute.

JackD said...

You answered yourself: "If the penalty is too weak . . . ". Borowitz was being a wise guy but the joke had bite.

JackD said...

Well, I think he's doing the right thing by going to Congress.

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