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This blog is the work of an educated civilian, not of an expert in the fields discussed.

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Joy Reid

Joy Reid has received a lot of support after reports she said some crude GLBT related things on her blog a decade or so ago. She apologized in the past for snide comments about Charles Crist, someone many sneered at as a closet case.

Her statement today, including saying though she honestly thought it was a hack but that it can't be back-up up by the evidence available, was a good one. I think it's quite possible she said the things and her current self finds it hard to believe it. Hacking -- recently someone posted a video of Obama saying something outrageous to show the possibility out there to spread disinformation -- surely isn't out of the realm of possibility. But, I'm iffy there.

And, if many on the left are honest, they shared some of the thoughts expressed such as being uncomfortable about men kissing or the like. I think this is a learning exercise about human nature and the ability of people overall worthy of respect evolving and having blind-spots. I surely have done enough to warrant empathy for those who deserve it.

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