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Sunday, October 27, 2019

Rep. Katie Hill Resigns

The election of 2018 brought various new young voices into the House of Representatives, including Katherine Hill (31) in California. Her Wikipedia page highlights her early work to address homelessness.  The video suggests the intelligence she brought to Congress.  Her bright future was suggested by her appointment as vice chair of the Oversight Committee, an article quoting Rep. Cummings (RIP) among those who saw her potential.

Youth and drive also might bring hubris. It was reported today (there is always something coming out, some news reported online) that she announced her resignation after it coming out that she had an affair with a campaign aide.  There was also allegations that she had a relationship, now against ethics rules, which she denied, with a House staffer. A House ethics investigation, which she said she welcomed was opened.

There is also a titillating aspect to all of this.  Not only is she bisexual but pictures (including one of her nude brushing the aide's hair) were leaked and made available on various right wing outlets. [I won't link it, but I saw the hair photo, her nudity pixelated; it was taken while she was on vacation apparently. It not covered by the ethical rules and the holier than thou justification for posting it is dubious.]  The husband was is separated from probably had something to do with this (the three had a "throuple") and laws might have been broken. The revenge porn nature of this should not be ignored and the whole thing investigated properly.

It's a shame that a promising young public servant like this should have to resign, but it is also a result of improvements in dealing with ethical breaches that her supporters support.  There is a basic coercive aspect to having relationships with subordinate employees and the possibility of abuses is apparent.  Plus, there is a general appearance of impropriety.  It is even more so when you are singled out, even as a frosh member, to be a vice chair of the Oversight Committee.  Yes, it aggravating others who did more get away with it. But, this is seriously changing in recent days. And, yes, the people who will catch violators here will often be hypocrites who try to "get" people for partisan reasons. This doesn't mean we should handwave things, especially (see Al Franken) when the people's wrongdoing is broad enough to warrant strong responses.

A male in her position, at least a Democrat in that role with all the baggage involved, very well probably would be pushed to resign. It is somewhat troubling that she is resigning before the ethics investigation.  This is something of a trend and it closes off a full investigation of what has happened, which leaves open questions.  Is it really impossible for her to not resign her seat while she is investigated?  Is this really something that warrants resignation? There might be more (perhaps she did have an inappropriate relationship with a staffer that she lied about) we don't know about.  And, again, her special role might cause damage to the party if she does not resign.  I still would have liked the investigation to occur, in part to show the value and ability of such a process.  The alternative is lack of clarity.

Ultimately, it is her decision, and perhaps this will help immediately start a process (she is only 32) where she can move on and rehabilitate herself and be able to continue her public service. We also do have to be concerned about a double standard (women, bisexual) being involved though again I think a male in her position would have been at risk. A special concern here is the release of the photos, which also might have factored into her emotional state and overall ability to be able to stay in office.  Revenge porn and generally abusive use of photographs and personal data is a serious concern.  She can both be a victim and in the wrong here when deciding that the public good along with her own needs required her resignation.

I wish her well.  She is not merely a learning experience.

ETA: There are mixed reactions on her resignation. Some were like "who is she?"  Others thought it okay given it appears she did violate ethical rules or rules of good conduct.  Some of this class were wary and wanted to point out double standards and the revenge porn aspect. Allegedly, hundreds of photographs of her are out there. And, some were basically against it, thinking a double standard was in place. Maybe, even that it was just two consenting adults.

As shown, I think it is a mixture of things, and am wary about her resigning.  Resignations probably happen too much in these cases or at least we need some time to process things. I was glad the governor of Virginia didn't resign for decades old racist acts.  Something like this probably doesn't warrant it either though it's more borderline all things considered. And, a double standard and probably personal stress factors in. Finally, and in no way besides the point, the misuse of photographs and so forth (audio, for instance) can raise a lot of problems in this age.

That is my take with a bit more hindsight. 


During the Astros/Nats game, Trump tweeted about some "big news." It turned out that a major ISIS leader was killed (or committed suicide to avoid capture).  This was formally announced by Trump (with some taunting and a lot of praise of Russia, since that is Trump) this morning.  The sort of serious military and intelligence stuff Trump badmouths when it suits are the people who did this.  The Kurds, who Trump recently screwed, helped too.

It would help if credible people led us at these times. The inability of Trump to do this sort of thing in a way that doesn't come off as moronic is bad enough.  But, the taunting can encourage martyrdom and retaliation (might happen anyway but didn't help).  The announcement could have worsened the situation. Plus, the killing of one leader likely was only so important.

This doesn't mean the whole thing wasn't net a good development long term. But, the nature of things makes it limited and the wider effort requires sound leadership.  We don't have it. 

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