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Sunday, August 01, 2021

Two More Films

Buffy the Vampire Slayer (the film) is mostly forgotten and for some having a Trump supporter (Kristy Swanson, who later popped up on t.v. movies) as the lead didn't help. The creator of the show was also involved, but was bothered that his overall (darker) vision was not followed. And, the film has issues, especially Rutger Hauer (a genre pro) having a rather lame performance. The action finale is a bit lame.

Still, the film has charms. One basic charm is that there are so many familiar faces, who popped up in later roles. One is Hilary Swank, who plays a real shallow character here. The beginning has a good teen world Clueless vibe. I thought Swanson had potential, if given less material to work with. Also, the idea of having a menstrual cramps like feeling when danger is around is an interesting idea. Runs out of steam, but enjoyable.

I also got tired of the Finnish (etc.) film Iron Sky, which has a neat idea -- the Germans somehow escaped to the dark side of the moon in 1945, and no one knew about the colony they set up. Years later, as part of a Palin-like U.S. presidential re-election gimmick, a black astronaut is captured. Setting into motion things. One amusing scene: a take-off of the famous Downfall (one actor is in this movie too) scene that has all the parodies. It doesn't go all the way though, including the last bit where the Eva Braun character reassures someone.

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