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Tuesday, September 28, 2021

She's On First

We recently had what seems like the first woman ref in a NFL game as well as an openly gay player (he even had a key role in the Raiders winning the Ravens game), but no woman players yet. I know of no woman MLB umps even and if the Mets ever have a ballgirl I'm sure Keith Hernandez (a bit behind the times) would have something to say. I would not be surprised if some trans person played at some point.

There were various fictional accounts (not speaking of when women had their own league), including a [decent] short lived television series. This book is from the 1980s (she also has a true story book on women playing baseball) and one charm is that there is a lot of baseball in it. It involves a women shortstop though of course there is some dramatic non-baseball material mixed in. I like the various points of view (owner, scout, reporter, player), but we only indirectly get the sense of her fellow players. That's unfortunate.

I have a charming book about a little leaguer pitcher who pitches a knuckleball. I also read a while back another book that had a woman ballplayer, but other than a bit about a guy being shot in the knees or something so he couldn't break a record, don't much at all of it. Anyway, I re-read this one and enjoyed it once more. My copy is an older version than the link.

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