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Saturday, January 08, 2022

Odds and Ends

Lani Guinier: The recently deceased [interesting word] civil rights scholar co-wrote this interesting takedown of Shelby v. Holder. Among things discussed is an argument (which I join) for a current general constitutional right to vote. Also, it cites a good Linda Greenhouse (who has ended her column) summary of the non-originalist Canada/UK constitutional model.

Vegan Fast Food: "Slow" food and so on is all good, but realistically, fast food and ready-made food is a standard supply. So, it's good that fast food is starting to have vegan options. Not quite as good that at KFC it is being cooked in common fryers, which can absorb animal flavorings. That would be a "no go" for some.

Jen Psaki's Back-Up: There were some rumors Psaki was going to move on this year. Appears to have been just that, so far. Principal Deputy Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre sometimes fills in. I'm sure she's great at her job and has a great story (lesbian and all that). But, she still seems a bit rough as compared to the more veteran Psaki.

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