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Friday, May 24, 2024

Israel/Gaza News

President Biden recently released this statement:

The ICC prosecutor’s application for arrest warrants against Israeli leaders is outrageous. And let me be clear: whatever this prosecutor might imply, there is no equivalence — none — between Israel and Hamas. We will always stand with Israel against threats to its security.

The application does not mean there is an "equivalence," but it is quite possible that Israeli leaders crossed the line in some fashion. A more nuanced analysis clarifies the situation. The U.N. has now ordered a halt to an offensive that the Biden Administration has also opposed. 

There has also been some hysteria (Malcolm Nance, who I have respected since his testimony on waterboarding in the Bush43 Administration, has been retweeting unhinged stuff about it) regarding Ireland, Norway, and Spain recognizing the state of Palestine. As an article notes:

Most of the world already recognizes Palestinian statehood. More than 140 out of 193 member states of the United Nations have made their recognition official. But only some nations in the 27-member European Union are among them.

President Biden supports a two-state solution. We need more clarity regarding what local people believe on the matter. But, Palestinian statehood is not merely bowing down to Hamas or an anti-Israel move.

Eleanor Roosevelt was a supporter of international organizations and understanding. She helped write the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. I talked about that recently. I also just read On My Own, her biography discussing her years after leaving the White House. Good book. 

It also shows a woman with empathy and a sound approach to international affairs. We need that sort of thing when dealing with current conflicts.

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