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Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Nikki Haley Endorses Trump

We are winding down the presidential primaries with Kentucky and Oregon this week. Meanwhile, we continue to have local/state primaries. Fani Willis won her primary. New York will have one next month.

The presidential primaries quickly became symbolic, Trump not even showing up for the Republican debates. The main concern for the Democratic primaries was a chance to submit a protest vote addressing Israel. The latest Biden thing there was this asinine kneejerk comment about the International Criminal Court. A more temperate explainer

The primaries provide voters a chance for dissent. Kentucky and West Virginia Democrats supplied a sizable "no" vote. Some states notably used Nikki Haley for a protest vote, up to around twenty percent of the vote. The vote yesterday included a few Christie and DeSantis voters too!

Nikki Haley -- who strongly called out Trump in the past -- took the probably inevitable path (but see Pence) and announced today that she would vote for Trump. Moral coward, but we knew that. 

When she suspended her campaign, Haley noted that Trump would have to earn her voters. He did nothing to do so. Oh well. What can you do? Those evil Democrats don't support Israel or the Ukraine, or something.

(She supports Ukraine and will vote for a Putin Puppet. She also in an asinine statement alleged funding for the Ukraine and Israel is not "foreign aid" -- it's just aid to foreign nations.)  

A few Republicans are on record that they will not vote for Trump. Many fewer notables actually say they will vote for Biden. Haley won't even do that. We have one credible party at the moment. 

ETA: We can explain why people like Nikki Haley take this path in a variety of ways. One person focused on assuming Trump won't be around that long. Stay loyal and "this too shall pass." And, then, maybe you can step in -- she is young enough to be around for decades. I don't dispute that. 

The various epithets, including moral coward, generally hold true. There is one moral path to take in November. She did not accept it. The "I won't vote for either" path is not good. 

But, it is halfway credible. Going to great lengths to oppose Trump (she played this dance in 2016 too) as a truly horrible choice and in the end still voting for him is just plain disgusting. 

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