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Saturday, May 29, 2010

U.S. challenges AZ state alien worker law

And Also: Abortion & Life by Jennifer Baumgardner focuses on the personal, the core being stories of women who had abortions. The theme is the importance of listening, including to those who have complex feelings, or even are in some way "pro-life." One chapter also addresses bisexuality; "Roe" herself bisexual. More here.

No, not the one getting all the press, though it gets a passing reference. Still, there is some overlap of issues. As noted in the brief, the law in question here conflicts with federal policy, one that balances various interests including civil rights:

The Arizona law’s system of sanctions on employers for violations of its law, Katyal [taking over Kagan's job for the time being] said, “disrupt a careful balance that Congress struck nearly 25 years ago between two interests of the highest importance: ensuring that employers do not undermine enforcement of immigration laws by hiring unauthorized workers, while also ensuring that employers not discriminate against racial and ethnic minorities legally in the country.”

A full discussion can be found here.