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This blog is the work of an educated civilian, not of an expert in the fields discussed.

Saturday, January 26, 2019

"RBG is Kinda Hot ..."

Two people who came in uninitiated (sort of like me with "The Favourite") really liked this film but being so familiar and concerned with her current well being, I was more wary. [An example: given RBG's deep study of Swedish law, her husband's monologue at that party is a tad off.] Sorta was right to be on some level, especially since RBG is just too emotional here. But, on the whole, the film is pretty good and raises some interesting things including on the changing nature of the law. BTW, the opinion was handed down after Reed v. Reed.

ETA: Remember this "gotcha"? The reference is to the original Constitution and it is noted at one point that equal protection as applied to feds was handled by due process. But, to be honest, the line still open to confusion. The final court scene also is a bit much, from her early choking and final speech. Pure Lifetime.

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