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Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Conservatives for Kamala

J. (John) Michael Luttig, a conservative former judge, announced he was endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris for POTUS. He argued Trump was disqualified for supporting insurrection and that the Trump immunity ruling was a travesty. His brief was against the Republicans as a whole:

America’s two political parties are the political guardians of American Democracy. Regrettably, in the presidential election of 2024 there is only one political party and one candidate for the presidency that can claim the mantle of defender and protector of America’s Democracy, the Constitution, and the Rule of Law.

David French, an anti-abortion conservative, wrote an op-ed entitled "To Save Conservatism From Itself, I Am Voting for Harris." Trump is a liar. He supported an insurrection. He supports violence. He is cruel. He supports Putin. He is not a man of faith. 

And, he is making the Republican Party worse, bending to his will. Abortion? Okay. So Dobbs overturned Roe. The abortion rate increased

It depends on what "conservativism" means to you. One Trump supporter claims Luttig is really a CINO, a conservative in name only. Some true believers aped his sentiments. One person replied with a list of reasons to oppose Donald Trump:

  • For his convictions
  • For his indictments
  • For January 06
  • For his lack of core principles
  • For his coarseness
  • For his historical lack of character
  • For his attack on our institutions
Some people there or on a liberal blog were somewhat wary of honoring "conservatives." Conservatives fear and demonize. They are worried about progress. I'm okay to respect some aspects of conservatism

And, when they are working with you, say "thank you." The election, including if we want to win Congress, will be close and some conservative-leaning people will have to support Democrats. 

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