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Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Some Democratic Convention Thoughts

Things seem steady and then life surprises you. Vice President Kamala Harris running for president in 2024 is one such moment. 

Surprises often aren't too big of a surprise. In hindsight, as some are sure to tell us ("told you so"), Trump winning in 2016 makes sense. At least, in the Electoral College. Can we get rid of that?

We will get more of the true story in time but President Biden recently added some context when talking to reporters after his remarks at the Democratic Convention: 

Well, you know, you always think you could have won.  And if you go back and look at the numbers, we weren’t that far behind.  It was like we talked about how this was — we were getting blown out.  That’s not what we saw.  But it was — it would have been close.

What has happened though, if the discussion had been was I going to cost seats for Democrats, that would have been the whole subject matter for the remainder of the campaign.  You’d have to cover it, that would be the issue, and it would give him an advantage. 

I also did not think it was that hopeless, especially if people stopped saying it was. Self-fulfilling prophecy. But, you work within in political system you have. 

I also worried that things would not go smoothly. The Democrats would be in disarray and walking wounded. And, Kamala Harris did not have a good 2020 presidential campaign. Didn't learn from underestimating Biden in 2020, in a different time. 

The Democratic Convention is best watched selectively as should be the commentary. Catch some of the new voices like Rep. Jasmine Crockett (D-TX). 

Watch the Second Gentlemen support his wife and come off as everyone's favorite goofy dad. 

Watch a replay (oh wait; it's not from 2016, even if she looks the same) ... watch Michelle Obama slay (she's tired of all your foolishness) and Barack Obama make a crowd joke size with a hand gesture (he knows how to troll Trump) while mixing in some eloquence. 

Jasmine Crockett was a public defender but honored Kamala Harris as a fair prosecutor who helped small-time criminals on the path to redemption. 

Tim Walz, who survived a misdemeanor offense when he drove drunk in 1995 might nod to that. Read the Slate article for some insights on handling crime. Sounds like Dana Bazelon might know a bit about the problem of overprosecution as well.  

The co-author of a biography of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who is a public defender herself, wrote on Twitter that she was wary about going too far with the "prosecutor v. felon" meme. Trump is a problem because he is dangerous. That is not the same thing as being a "felon" in this country. 

Point taken. I think it is appropriate to prosecute (and hold him civilly responsible as warranted) Trump because he is a threat to public safety. We do overuse the term "felon," including stripping people of the right to vote. The word does fit him. 

Harris/Walz has good vibes. Her laugh brings joy. She is younger and almost Generation X. Clinton and Obama both felt like the new generation. We had a comfortable grandfather in 2020. Time to go back a bit and bring some more bite. Surely, Biden can be pretty tough and a bit mean when he wants to be. 

It's depressing how much of a fight it will be. We might STILL not win the Senate. Would it shock if we lost more? But, we cannot think that way too much. We have to think about winning that trifecta. 

It's time to enjoy the moment. We had some good ones. And, other than some cameos (itself a new thing), we did not even have Kamala Harris yet. 

And, yes, Barack, Trump is damn annoying. I prefer listening to a leaf blower all day. Sorta has a touch of nostalgiaia.  (For me it was an old-fashioned lawn mower.)  Plus, much less bullshit and hate. 

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