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Tuesday, September 01, 2009


And Also: To add something, here's an interesting essay comparing vegans with homosexuals, which seems to hold up.

GG today provides a prime example of an asshole. These people, and there are loads of them, poison the well. Substantive results are what matters often enough, but assholes tend to have negative ones. They are more likely to reason poorly and not care too much about the facts. This includes those with a veneer of respectability, but who push comes to shove, are no better. McCain comes off this way -- I'm starting to have that emotional reaction to his voice as I did when President Bush talked.

Meanwhile, the bare minimum denied when someone is not even given the chance for a fair independent hearing is underlined here -- would it have be so very hard to give him such a hearing five years ago? OTOH, quite cases went the other way, underlining the basic right still has bite. It does suggest the need for follow-ups. News tends to be a pinpoint matter, particularly reporting court cases, when in reality it is more like a river. For instance, ultimately, this person's claim was upheld, even on the more limited basis of the Souter opinion.
Among the critics, Hans von Spakovsky, a former key Bush-era official at the division, has accused the Obama team of “nakedly political” maneuvers.

A bit of "he said/she said" from an article entitled "Justice Department to Recharge Civil Rights Enforcement." As TPM might say, this is rich, but who would know given the article gives us absolutely no context concerning the guy. Anyway, this is yet another reason why it matters who is running things, even if you don't want to have a beer with the guy. OTOH, there is the fact that we know at least you can have a beer with this guy. Given the long haul, maybe lots of them.

And, no light beer!