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Saturday, April 03, 2021

Big V (x2) and MLB

MLB, against the wishes of Stacey Abrams really, decided to not play the All Star Game in Atlanta in response to the offensive anti-democratic (in both senses) new Georgia voting law. Atlanta and its suburbs was a big reason the Dems won Georgia.

It's a hard call really. North Carolina was boycotted in respect to its anti-trans law, but this has more of an ironic feel. The solutions are hard but do include litigation and passing a strong new federal legislation.  This should help push things along, including support from corporations who want to show they have non-racist bona fides. This should be a bipartisan thing akin to the economic package. And, underlining the fault is ultimately those who passed the laws. Not just "what will you do" as if only Dems have agency.

Multiple Eeyore pictures on one blog as if everyone is just needlessly pessimistic aside, the Big V is far from over, including upticks in various places (including New York). This means we should not recklessly open things or assume all is over.

On a personal front, after trying for multiple days, I found somewhere close by (a little pharmacy; nice to get one dose without needing to wait at some large outlet in Manhattan or something) to get my own single dose (J&J) Fauci ouchie. Someone cancelled, then there was a problem with the computer system, but I came back in time when the issue was fixed. Feels like maybe I'm mildly feeling it, but overall, seems not to be an issue.

(To add the procedure. The specific location singled out phone scheduling and I did that. When I got there, I had to fill out a form that basically said I never had a vaccine, if I had any issues and my insurance information. I was due to wait for about forty minutes or so before the computer system was down. I came back and got called within ten minutes. The shot was quick. Then, you wait about fifteen minutes to see if there is any negative reactions.

I twice had COVID tests and the whole affair was comparable except for a shorter wait afterwards; there as I recall, you talked to someone, so it did take a few minutes. The COVID test was actually more since if you took the test/antibody test, you had to get a nose swab and a needle. Once, they had an issue drawing blood, which is harder than simply giving a shot.)

Seems hard to believe that I'm okay Big V-wise. And, even if the vaccine does protect me, we as a society have a ways to go. So, you know, we an handle that July 4th goal date that Biden put to put things somewhat back to normal. We can wear masks even if vaccinations, e.g., since I'm not wearing a badge saying I was.  I did not suffer as much as many people. 

The whole thing for me personally basically was more annoying with the masks and all.  My life did not change significantly really.  Still, as with the stimulus check, the ability to within the week get a shot and be done once I was qualified (under 50; no special qualifications) just underlines how we are at the moment. We are doing things right.

And, the whole Mets/Nationals series was cancelled for Big V reasons, but you can watch various former Mets players (such a Matt "I'm going to get every ounce out of me" Harvey starting for the Orioles -- he went four and change and did okay on that level)  all the same.  I wasn't really in it last year with the shortened season and all. I'm not really excited this year either though there is of course grounds to hope they will have a good season. As the start shows, we aren't quite at "normal" yet. 

Whatever that might be.  

ETA: Michael Conforto, union rep, passed alone the party line that vaccinations are a "personal matter," which on some obvious level they are unless people are going to force them. But, as Sandy Alderson basically noted in referencing education being provided since "There has been some hesitation on the part of some players. We want to get as many players as possible vaccinated," it is more than that.  Vaccination is also a personal duty, particularly given the Big V's effects on a team sport.  The framing here might be tricky on some level, but "personal matter, full stop" is bad.

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