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This blog is the work of an educated civilian, not of an expert in the fields discussed.

Friday, September 24, 2021


Orals: The vet SCOTUS reporter, now retired, who used to cover the news for SCOTUSBlog might not have liked it, but many liked the justices taking turns during oral argument. The big thing for some was that Justice Thomas (who went second) actually asked questions, which he does fairly well actually.

Now that things will be back in person, the old system (with the two minute intro, "generally" without interruption) will return. But, with a twist -- if they want to, in order of seniority, the single questioning will return when the advocate's time expired/they are done arguing. This furthers the Court's already openning for expanding argument times if the judges have more things to ask. It seems a good compromise.

Someone Is Wrong On the Internet: This expert on sentencing law and policy has a side of him that is just annoying. I simply argued that the federal executions were done in a way that violated due process by a packed Court. This -- my sentiment is because he is too busy with his talking points to actually engage with what I am saying -- confused him so much.

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