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Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Biden / Rachel Held Evans' New Book

We stand in defense of religious freedom not only as an expression of our deepest values but also because it is a vital national security priority. The United States will continue to rally the globe to protect and promote the right of freedom of religion or belief, including through multilateral coalitions such as the International Religious Freedom or Belief Alliance.

While the details (not as much as desired) of the reconciliation bill is negotiated, I saw something cited as a central promise of the Biden Campaign. Eh. Biden promised a range of things (his ultimate four issues were COVID, race, climate, and the economy/workers) and two basic things -- being decent and being basically a qualified experienced person. You know, not-Trump. Talk about some "key" promise otherwise is somewhat bullshit.

Biden's decency and empathy -- however a bit laid on thick it might seem at times -- are likely his biggest draws. And, I do think it is on a basic level real. As is his religious faith. One person flagged that he has an asshole side. I think so -- it comes out at times when he finds some critics or something being clueless or worse. That too really is appealing. 


Rachel Held Evans continues to publish books, so to speak, even though she died two years ago. Her death, under 40 with two young children, was very hard for many people in the religious community who saw her as a positive, but questioning Christian voice, one that also spoke with a feminist tenor. One book she was working on was a children's book:

In the book co-authored with Matthew Paul Turner, Held Evans encourages children to “think about what makes you feel safe, what makes you feel loved, and what makes you feel brave. That’s what God is like.”

I think of religion in large part a form of poetry. I think "God" is best seen as a form of metaphor, a symbolism of something that humans need to personalize. Some people ridicule that sort of thing. I think that is unfair. A person might have a confused or even cruel view of God. But, one like that is not of that nature. The article also notes:

“The God I have come to believe in is not some stern grandpa in the sky, waiting for me to slip up,” she writes. “Instead, I’ve come to see God through the things that God has done... That God is the architect of creation, the engineer of love, and the master craftsman who came up with the idea of the heart.”

This reminds me somewhat of the God of Thomas Paine, a God he argued is shown through the universe. Evans' blog and writings are worthwhile and are particularly important to her fellow Christian believers. One was a bit silly attempt to follow biblical rules. One was a creative look at the Bible through different means. I liked it the most. Two were more geared to her experiences during her faith journey. You can also find many videos of her online.

“I’m agnostic. I think God is unlikely. I don’t believe prayer heals. If it did, sick people prayed for would be healed more often than those who aren’t,” he wrote. “But if I ever believe again, it will be in the God Rachel understood. I hope for the God of “What Is God Like?”

I don't know if her husband was an agostic before her own death. I would understand if that was the reason he was pushed into that. But, since sick people always were around, I hope not. I also think prayer can help, can "heal" without going all the way. It is like a medicine that tempers the pain. I speak in general, not as someone who uses prayer. But, when someone says "pray for me" or something, is it not a request for empathy? Is that not a positive thing? Does it not help in some fashion?

Her new book is coming out soon and is scheduled to be at the NYPL eventually. When it does, I will probably write more. 

[The History focused book review page I contribute to now has a few reviews, including three by a Muslim author.]

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