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Sunday, January 02, 2022

Inspired: Slaying Giants, Walking on Water, and Loving the Bible Again

I did a personal "Books in A Flash" type review of Rachel Held Evans (apparently) final adult book, published after her death. I thought the final result (to some unclear amount a result of editing) was worthwhile, but was seriously concerned about if the author would have wrote it in that way. It seemed, at any rate, a bit too "faith" reliant.

I read Inspired, a personal twist on the Bible, before and think it very good. The book is written by a believer, but is a more complex interpretation that doesn't rely so much on faith. You might not agree where she arrives, but Evans notes how the text leaves one questioning and often is not to be meant literally. It still can be "true."

I won't, though it is well worth close reading, provide an in depth look here. But, it is an excellent, very personal account (you get her style as well as her hard work, including research) that pushes you to look at the text in a different way. It is well written overall, including some creative touches; I think it is her best book.

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