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Friday, March 24, 2023

Kiss Me (Film)

Kiss Me is one of the Showtime Adult films available on demand. I probably referenced this before.  But, this post is in honor of Kristen Scott, who goes with a short somewhat punky hairstyle these days.  You can get a taste of her at that Twitter link. 

There seems to be less soft porn on the regular cable changes (HBO etc.) these days.  But, a look at one of her profile pages will tell you she was in hundreds of films (which might just be scenes in some cases, but still) while still being under thirty.  She is a small thing (under 100lb) but has a nice look (she's the brunette in that photo) in this film all the same.  

As is the norm apparently she has big tattoos.  In this case, the most noticeable is the script, which the web page describes:

"Love without depending/Live without pretending/Speak without offending/Listen without defending"

I personally am a fan of at best small tattoos (I have one of my own), but then what do I know?  The current crop of Showtime soft porn does not exactly promote natural-looking women.  She's a bit more natural than is the norm in many of these films.  And, you can find more natural-looking people if you search for them.  There's a market for most things.  

The idea in Kiss Me is that a young woman has a mental block when she kisses women (the opening sex scene -- which might be the best -- is a fantasy).  She talks about it with a sex blogger and her friend (so four women are involved here, four sex scenes -- two with Kristen Scott).  And, she gets over her problem by the end.  Ah, the benefits of blogging in all forms.  

Kristen Scott is the best thing in this film though the two blondes she has sex with are not bad.  The fourth character is okay too if a bit boring. Decent film of this type with a bit of thought put into the whole thing. So, put a burrito in the microwave, maybe make a pot of coffee with the now old-fashioned in the days of pods coffee maker, and check it out.  

A warning of sorts to those who see it on Showtime. Regular pay channels like Showtime have some sort of rules in place for this sort of porn, including a very limited showing of pubic areas.  Any penis you see is as a norm likely to be by mistake from what I can tell. And, even with girl-on-girl here, the preview I found on one of the links above gives you more intimate shots. 

If you feel the sex scenes seem a bit choppy, that is because they are -- certain camera scenes are off limits.  Which weakens the films.  There is a lot of moaning and such while many of the visuals are less hot than you would like.  But, you can get a lot of porn online if you want more explicit material, even if you wish to get it for free.  


Talking about lesbians, here is an old analysis of the 1970s teen novel, Happy Endings Are All Alike.  This is a rather depressing book, even beyond the fact that a book whose back cover basically promises a lesbian love story (with some vague threat cited) is about half about a brutal rape.  

The book starts off promising enough, though we soon learn that one of the girls had to deal with the trauma of her beloved (like sisters!) dying. It is cited at one point that her father is 43, so both parents (she has an older sister in her 20s) were young.  

This trauma helps her have a pessimistic view of "happy endings" which includes rejecting her girlfriend's dreams about their future together.  I do not think this sentiment improved too much after she decides it is a good idea to test the waters by accepting a date ("why are you so upset?" ... as two people note, it would be obvious if she was going out with a guy). This leads to a fight and leaves her girlfriend alone. Which led to the rape. 

As the review above notes, the book has a lot to be said for it, including good writing and complex (and flawed -- though the rape victim comes off as at worse a bit too naive) characters.  Still, you have a limited number of same-sex books at the time, and you have yet another where a lesbian is some kind of victim?  

And, the rape is not only rather brutal (it is not off camera either; there is a brutal honesty here, including the viewpoint of the rapist), but it dominates the story.  The rape comes halfway and even before then, we see snapshots of the rapist to foreshadow and warn.  This was about the time when I Spit on Your Grave (Day of the Woman) was made too.

The book was very good and quite a creature of its time ("she won her Cher record").  But, I wonder if some girls looking for positive material felt a tad cheated all the same.  "See Peggy, if you go out with some boring guy, your true love is going to be raped, so better not do that!"  My movie guide says the so-called ridiculously silly film they saw, btw, is pretty good. Three stars!

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