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Thursday, March 23, 2023

Atheist's Day

I did a bit of digging and asked a couple times on Twitter, but don't know if March 23rd was chosen for a reason. But, it was announced as Atheist Day a few years ago. FFRF has a wider concern about the separation of church and state, but it is basically also very atheist-friendly. The radio and television shows have a lot of good content.

We believe in God (I talked about how an author I read has a book about the development of a belief in Satan too) for various reasons. I think there is some poetry in there. "God" represents an idea. We as humans like to make ideas concrete. So, we have cupids for love and so on.

"Atheist" means various things too. When people use the word as a self-identifier, it often means more than the fact they do not think there is a God.  Atheist Day (especially since it is also for supporters) can be honored with all the complexity. 

I don't believe in the typical concept of God.  Not only do I respect many who do (I'm also not sure really exactly what deep down many believe), but wonder however about what exactly is involved here.  I do not proclaim that "I am an atheist" though the people who know me personally probably would so label me.  

Again, that term seems to have symbolic baggage that I am not completely comfortable taking on.  OTOH, like "Christian" not being merely hardnose evangelical conservatives, I probably should not let strong atheists of certain types (Dawkins and the like) color my acceptance of the label.

Still, I think of myself as more of a humanist or something than an "atheist" though the label fits.  There are atheists who are ministers (of mainstream religions).  Maybe, I should use the label more to show its diversity. I am not anti-religious.  I think certain religions do a fine job and if required would probably be a Unitarian-Univeralist.  

I support atheists, including those who are burdened by private and government parties for their beliefs.  Happy Atheist's Day.  

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